I use this pack mountain biking, mostly when doing photo shoots where it's way too far to hike and I need my big camera. I carry a Z9 and either an 85mm f/1.8, 14-30 f/4, or 24-70 f/2.8. To fit the gear, the lens must be detached, but this places the load closer to my body and reduces stress on the lens mount. The pockets on the side are perfect for tools, spare hardware, and sporty snacks. The cinch straps and high density foam create an incredibly secure system that I have no problem riding at full speed downhill, which isn't the case when I carry my full size camera + lens in a backpack. The load is also less noticeable in the lumbar region than when carried on my back. That may be due to the sense of security and lack of movement compared to a backpack. It would be nice to have options for a second lens, but then it wouldn't be so compact, stable, and unobtrusive. I'm a big fan. Thanks for making this pack!